North Carolina Naloxone Distribution Toolkit

Resource Type: Toolkit
Year: 2019
Organization/Source: North Carolina Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch
Tags: Harm Reduction, Naloxone

Targeted naloxone distribution has been identified by the CDC as an evidence-based strategy for preventing opioid overdose.

This North Carolina Naloxone Distribution Toolkit guides local health departments, coalitions, and community organizations through the process of implementing a naloxone distribution standing order.

Supplemental information:


North Carolina
Resources with this icon are related to or support NC opioid settlement fund strategies. More information can be found here.


CaroNova’s opioid resource library is designed to be used by health systems in North Carolina and South Carolina to accelerate adoption of best practices for opioid use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery. The links provided by CaroNova are to publicly available resources. Although these resources are in the public domain, they should be used for educational purposes, and not for any commercial purposes. Please review the source’s restrictions, if any, on using, redistributing or reproducing their documents, toolkits and other information. CaroNova is not a healthcare provider, and the information and resource links available on this website are not intended as a substitute for individual professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I understand and accept these terms and conditions.